What is TED?
TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) is a global platform that hosts conferences featuring influential speakers from various fields who share their innovative ideas and experiences. Founded in 1984, TED has become synonymous with "Ideas Worth Spreading." The main TED conference is held annually in Vancouver, Canada, and its talks cover a wide range of topics, including science.
TEDx events are independently organized TED-like conferences that can take place anywhere in the world. These events aim to bring the spirit of TED to local communities and provide a platform for individuals to share their ideas and perspectives. TEDx talks cover a broad spectrum of subjects, often reflecting the unique challenges and innovations of a particular region. year.
TEDxBVCOE is a specific instance of a TEDx event affiliated with Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering (BVCOE) in Delhi, India. Organized independently by a dedicated local team of volunteers, TEDxBVCOE serves as a platform for students, educators, and professionals to share their insights and ideas with the community. The "BVCOE" in TEDxBVCOE represents Bharati Vidyapeeth College of Engineering, the hosting institution.